Most car owners take great pride in their vehicles, whether it’s a brand new purchase or a classic car that they’ve had for years.
In the past, we were lucky if our cars lasted more than 50,000 miles. Nowadays, with the advancements in technology and the increased awareness that we now have about proper car maintenance, it’s normal for people to own their cars for years and years before something goes seriously wrong.
However, if you fail to keep an eye on your vehicle, it won’t anywhere near as long as you should. Here are some top tips to make your car last longer.
Keep It Clean
Giving your car a wash not only makes it look great, but it’s also essential to its longevity. And this includes cleaning it both inside and out! Grab a bucket of warm water and car washing soap and run around the car’s exterior. Aim to reach every crevice, including the back of wing mirrors, the car handles, and the creases in the wheel trims to remove dirt and dust. This is particularly important during winter when the weather is harsher. Every few months, apply a coat of wax to your car to keep it shiny and protected.
It’s also important to clean the interior of your vehicle. This is a little more difficult as it generally requires specific car-cleaning equipment, so you might wish to contact a professional car interior cleaning company.
Perform Regular Maintenance
The best way to make your car last longer is by taking maintaining its key elements. This involves checking over every aspect of the car to identify any potential problems with its functions. Here are some important maintenance tasks to perform:
- Checking the brakes and gearbox
- Topping up the oil levels
- Assessing the tire rotations, alignment, and inflations
- Checking there are no broken pipes in the radiator system
- Checking the battery levels
If you’re not comfortable doing any of these yourself, take your car to a professional mechanic who will do it all for you!
Drive Efficiently
Driving inefficiently can quickly age your vehicle. Accelerating and braking harshly, failing to use your gearbox correctly, or making a lot of rapid turns while driving can lead to wear and tear on a number of elements within the car. Even taking lots of short trips that are less than a mile long can reduce the function of your car’s engine. Not only do these driving behaviors cause increased fuel consumption, but it also damages your vehicle and can result in it breaking down altogether.
Don’t Ignore Any Warning Signs
If you see a light suddenly appear on your dashboard, your instinct might be to ignore it until it becomes a problem. However, your vehicle has a very sophisticated system of alerting you when something is wrong. If one of your car’s warning signs lights up, you should immediately take your vehicle to a mechanic who can get it checked out for you. Failing or forgetting to do so may cause serious problems further down the line.