F50 The Best Model of the Ferrari

ferrari f50That’s in blood of the people to use quickest, gorgeous and optimal cars. Ferrari the world one of the finest trader cars making company has launched F50 in 1995 to celebrate the Ferrari’s 50th anniversary. Ferrari F50 marketed as a ‘Formula 1 racingcar for the road’.


The car was designed unique for the purpose: there was a style in it. The tops of the gadget involved in a single scan of the front air intake of the rear spoiler. The F50 available colors are red, red Bartlett, yellow, black and grey.  The body material of F50 was made entirely of carbon fibre, weighing 225 lbs and at offering a torsion al rigidity of 25,677 lbs-ft/°. That’s the two seated car with 1620 mm front track. The engine-trans axle assembly was rigidly attached to the body. This V12 engineis directly evolved from the syn-chronic 3.5 liter V12 engines and used the same five valve per cylinder technology.

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